by Author SoundConnections

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Creative Vocals

Event description

The course will encompass a range of ‘creative vocals’, by which we mean:

  • Anything that gives children and young people ownership over what they’re doing and allows them to make their own decisions around music making with the voice
  • Developing existing musical ideas into pieces with their own new identities
  • Writing brand new material from scratch, using various stimuli as a starting point

Through a mixture of whole group and smaller breakout activities, you’ll explore using lyrics, rhythm, melody and texture to form new material. You’ll look at tools such as narrative, storyboarding, visual stimuli, and musical starting points to create new material where the voice features.

Please feel free to bring along ideas (eg, lyrics, a rhythm or melody) to get things started!

The course is suitable for teachers (primary and secondary), workshop leaders, and practitioners working with the voice, or those who are thinking of developing more vocal work into their teaching / leading.

Book your ticket here >