by Author Wild-Earth

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Beats and Groove - Nature Beats

The young musicians have had a day of making music, listening to a local musician singer songwriter perform her song and immerse themselves in African Drumming.

The morning was buzzing as we worked in two groups, one doing music and the other worked on employability skills activities. The atmosphere was highly productive and the levels of engagement of the young people, immersed in their respective activities inspired each other. One of the best things about working with young people with varying levels of need is to work in sub groups that tends to always achieve more.

The young people had a wide range of world instruments to explore and use today. They enjoyed going through them and understanding the cultural context of where they come from. The employability skills session explored the skills needed for various sectors and jobs - exploring what they have already and what further training is needed to build more skills for their chosen careers.

Influences The young musicians discussed that they would like to experiment with beats and groove to build on their track from last week. Musically, they gave the example of the theme music from Fresh Prince of Bel Air and replicated it later in the afternoon with Lucy.

See some of the photos from the day:  Music Making

Range of instruments used

Employability Skills

Singer Songwriter - Lucy Anne Sale's performance

African Drumming workshop facilitated by Lucy

During the end of day evaluation, the young people shared how inspired they have been by the day and that they have enjoyed it a lot. Nick thanked Alex for making sure that there was a left handed guitar for him during the session. Nick played music after 6 years, first time since he had a major accident. Everyone was excited about the Godiva Festival this weekend and were planning to see many shows over the weekend.