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Re-Write Your Story at a Pupil Referral Unit

... 'I dream of a better life, one without strife' .......... lyrics from our first programme

We have just completed our first programme working with young people in a pupil referral unit on Re-Write Your Story; a series of workshops to encourage recognition of negative behaviours teaching young people how to look at the future differently through music. Through the use of story writing and poetry young people learn how to create lyrics, music and songs for self-expression. The workshops are underpinned by the use of restorative practices to support recognition of anti-social or criminal behaviour to encourage positive decision making and staying away from criminality and gangs and support engagement or re-engagement in education, training or employment.

We worked with a very challenging group over 4 weeks who came up with some very emotive lyrics and created a group song,  'A Part of Me', that expressed their feelings

... 'I dream of a better life, one without strife' ..........

Project two begining in a couple of weeks will be run as an intensive 2 full days in a Youth Offenders Insitituion