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Ten Tips On Getting Started With Composition In Bands by Stephen Hunter, Youth Band Leader for Base Studios' The Junction Project

Ten Tips On Getting Started With Composition In Bands 

  1. Stick to using only 3 or 4 chords
  2. Keep the structure basic (e.g. verse, chorus, verse, chorus)
  3. Keep the bar counts for each part simple (i.e. phrases of 4 bars or 8 bars)
  4. If your band are unsure, clearly explain what a bar is (e.g. do some clapping/counting rhythm exercises)
  5. If your band struggle to play certain chords, tune them to drop D (
  6. Be sure to keep everything to a 4/4 time signature – most pop/rock songs are in this time signature anyway.
  7. Make sure they know how to count their bars. You may need to do this for them initially, emphasising the start of each bar.
  8. Make a positive/encouraging environment for creativity – this will take time as giving personal ideas to a group can be intimidating.
  9. Refer to and listen to bands your group likes, or simple pop songs everyone knows, to help breed creativity and, if need be, point out how simple the structure is. You can then model your own song on a similar structure/ similar chord sequence.
  10. TAME YOUR DRUMMER! I can say this as I am a drummer! We get a bit too excited sometimes ;-)