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Growing Through Music in the Coastal North

Growing Through Music in the Coastal North is a project which came about after running a successful pilot project in the rural areas of Durham and North Yorkshire. Our current project goes down the East coast from North Durham to Lincolnshire. We are helping early years settings(toddler groups,nurseries and preschools) embed music into their settings to increase childrens language and communication skills. One of the unintended outcomes we are noticing is the impact the sessions are making on children's wellbeing. Case studies and observations are showing that children who are very shy and clingy to staff or parents engage slower with the sessions but by the 4th or 5th session are equally as involved as those who engaged straight away. By the final session all children are fully engaged. The addition of signing to our sessions has meant children with communication delays or English as a second language are engaging more in sessions. In the coming weeks we will have some fantastic case studies to share with you.