by Author breakingbeats

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Hexthorpe Doncaster

Hi, we've been delivering sessions in Hexthorpe, Doncaster, with a group of around 40 young people, mostly from the Slovakian Roma community. 6 sessions in we were removed from the venue due to complaints from resident(s), the reason given was excessive noise (it is loud as it's a youth centre) and loitering by the young people (this is simply untrue). We have spent the last 6 weeks trying to find an alternative venue, the search has thus far proved fruitless. Every organisation in Doncaster(except one that we are waiting to hear back from) has so far refused our request, stating that noise is the problem, I have thoroughly explained to them that we make the same amount of noise as an average household TV or radio, in fact there are long periods of silence whilst we are recoring vocals etc and that we will be operating independently of the Youth Centre, but this seems to be overlooked each time.