by Author Phoebe Cross

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World’s Largest Children’s Choir via Young Voices

Event description

Tuesday 2nd June 2020 at 2.30pm (local time wherever you are)

Be part of the World’s Largest Children’s Choir at home and say thank you to our unsung heroes: Teachers #ThankYouTeachers

Young Voices, the largest children’s choir in the world and the Guinness World Record holders for the world’s largest simultaneous sing, invite you to join together with children, teachers and parents all over the world to sing “The Power in Me”!

Whether it is singing from your balcony or simply out of your back door - you are invited to sing along to a special online broadcast of The Power in Me on 2nd June

Before the big day - take part in the #PowerinMe Singing Challenge and film yourself singing the song’s lyrics “I've got the Power In Me" and post it online with the hashtag to see who responds completing the song’s chorus "You’ve got the Power in You! (Please make sure that this is with the permission of the parent of legal guardian)

Let us know you are taking part by adding your details to the form below.

It's all for FREE!

#PowerinMe #ThankyouTeachers #YVatHome


Click the link in your confirmation email to get all the learning materials to prepare for the big day!

Sign Up Here