by Author Dougie Lonie

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How to develop a music project for looked after children

Below are the key ideas brought to light during the discussion "How to develop a music project for looked after children".

Those who already carry out work with looked after children and those who are seeking information on how to develop sustainable projects looked at the challenges and key points in working together to produce successful and sustainable projects for looked after children.

Current Challenges

  • Confidence building – there is a difficulty in getting looked after children to take the first step to participate in a project. How do you encourage participation? It was highlighted that in a previous project with young people, going into the young person’s home, in a space in which they feel comfortable, may be a useful approach. Could this work with looked after children also?
  • How do you deal with the safe guarding issues around looked after children and develop the skills and knowledge to deal with this. Where is this information available and how can it be made accessible to those who do not yet work with looked after children?
  • Finding a balance in communicating with looked after children.
  • Projects developed by local authorities need to be integrated at every level so the value of projects are clear across the entire authority.
  • Funding – with current cuts, how do local authorities and organisations working with looked after children attract funding bodies? Who do they need to contact?
  • How do we convince ‘top level’ at local authorities to see value in soft outcomes, and values which are not instantly measurable. 

Key Points

  • Be prepared to be flexible in how you work – objectives need to be clear.
  • Be prepared for the project to take a long time to develop and factor this in to planning. Developing projects will involve many meetings and it is important not to give up.
  • It is important to develop projects that are sustainable and can be well evaluated. Have a very clear idea of what the project will do and what you want it to achieve.
  • Value should be placed on the young people and on the skills of those delivering the project - it is important clear accessible information available to all parties involved.

Please share what you think about developing projects for looked after children in the comments below.