by Author Geeta Sarcar

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Seeing and Hearing - Differently

Nature immersion is magical.

"I was nervous to start with and never been in the woods before. When we finished, I felt good. I was pretty sure I could feel the earth more when I was walking back home. I did the deer ear in the middle of town by the fountain and I could hear people right at the top, pigeons and different conversations and when I took my hands away, it was gone. I could hear the wind more. When I went home and filled a bucket to do my washing, I swear I could feel the water more." - Saffron, 20

Nature immersion is magical. Saffron spent a day in the woods and two days later, when we asked her about what she felt about her experience, she described her sensory awareness as being redefined, more 'in tune' and 'aware'. 

What is the difference that nature immersion makes? It makes us stop for a moment, become mindful of where we are in the larger scheme of things and how we are connected to everything around us. This sense of connection is so important for each and every one of us. For many young people that we are working with, isolation is a more prevalent sense that is identifiable than being connected. The outdoor experience that 'Nature Beats' offers, begins a journey of reconnection with the sense of 'self' and develops a connection with the other young people and staff on the programme.

We are looking forward to what the rest of the journey brings.