by Author jameskennaby

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XLR Sessions get jamming!

The XLR Sessions begin their original compositions

Last week's XLR Session saw the young musicians create original pieces of music for the first time as a group. Our volunteer Bim worked closely with one of the students to create a piece led by keys, featuring Trumpet, Drums, Bass and Guitar. The piece started from an Ableton pad jam, moved onto live instruments and then was pulled back into Ableton through live sampling.

The second group worked alongside Phoebe (Miss Twist) to create a basic melody and structure. A singer / songwriter from the group called Ella created a riff on the guitar which the group developed, and then using Logic created a drum track and percussive line to accompany it. 

The final group worked with Sophie on a cover of Adele - Rollin In The Deep. Zoe, a confident singer, and recent graduate of DBS music helped Kaitlin to create harmony lines and choose solo sections for the piece. The group performed the piece to the rest of the students. We managed to record the session and we'll be posting this on Soundcloud very soon. 

The next step, as chosen by the group, is to develop the pieces they have created, and begin developing lyrics to accompany them. Zoe and Kaitlin will be joined by Toni, who will be creating a spoken word piece for the song to give it a different edge.

We're very excited to see the progress of the young musicians. 

Until next week!