by Author Pete Moser

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How did your parents help you ?

I put up a tweet yesterday asking people to comment on how their parents helped them with their music.

On the basis that if we start from where we know we are better informed please add more to this trail from some of my friends...

  • "I took up the violin at primary school (I did French too, Essex was way ahead of its time then!) I didn't like it but was too scared of my teacher and my Dad to tell either. I carried on miserably till I worked up the courage to tell my Dad and persuade him to tell the teacher I was quitting!"
  • "I don't know what the spat is about online. But my dad taught me to read music and play the French Horn. well done Dad. RIP."
  • "My dad wouldn't let me skip morning rehearsal, he said it was about commitment."
  • "My mum bought me a Ringo Starr snare drum. My music teacher said I was too musical to play the drums. However a later teacher introduced me to tape editing and Stockhausen whilst my mum would leave the house when I played Annette Peacock."
  • "My parents and my school actively tried to stop my interest in music - I was saved by the DIY ethic of punk rock!!"
  • "My father was in a brass band."
  • "There was just music around all the time. To listen to, to go to, to make."

Parents are crucial in the equation in so many ways -  let's use this information to support our practice ...