by Author ZCarassik-Lord

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Masterclass: Navigating the start of your music career in a global pandemic

Pie Factory Music runs the Emerging Artists Programme - a music development programme for 16-25 year olds in East Kent, who are interested in pursuing a career in the music industry (funded by Youth Music). As part of the programme we invite music professionals living and working in Thanet to deliver in-depth, seminar-style masterclasses on elements of careers within the industry. In this masterclass, Harriet Jordan-Wrench, founder of music platform Secret Sessions, talks about taking the early steps into the industry at a time where we can't do the thing we all want to do - live music-making. Watch the session on YouTube, and be inspired to pursue your dream, despite the pandemic. The show must go on!

Click here to see the Q&A part of the session, where our Emerging Artists ask Harriet their own questions.