by Author HiveShrewsbury

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Music & Movement in Shropshire

In the Summer The Hive hosted the first part of our new Youth Music Fund A Music & Movement Project - VERSE-atility where we are working with young carers, using music and dance to increase confidence, build trust, develop relationships and increase skills. After a series of tasters across Shropshire, 11 young carers joined us for a week of intensive activity, during which they created and recorded their own original song, choreographed their own dance piece and started their Bronze Arts Awards. We were stunned to find that every single one of them wanted to do an Arts Award and they really appreciated how the week was framed around the different sections of the Award, helping them to understand how things linked together.

The mix of both music and dance has been a huge hit and the young people variably respond on which they like more! The phyisical outlet of dancing helps to dispel some of the excess energy around, helping concentration in other areas such as composition and recording and they very much enjoyed teaching each other and sharing their musical knowledge.

The week was rounded off by an amazing performance created by the young people, supported by The Hive and Shropshire Inclusive Dance. Coming up next - the young people will be back at the Hive in the New Year to take part in Music and Dance Masterclasses, with Shropshire Music Service joining us to support the young carers to continue their music in school. The VERSE-atility project is being delivered with and for Carers Trust 4 All and is a two year project aiming to engage 30 young carers over this time.