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Happy Birthday Youth Music Network! 15 top blogs from our first year

Since our launch in November 2011, the Youth Music Network has become a thriving community of people who work in music education projects with children and young people. One of the best aspects of the site has been all of those who've shared their experiences, expertise and challenges on the blogs. Here are 15 of our favourites.

Youth Music Network users are a knowledgeable lot. Thank you to everyone who's contributed over the past year: there would be no site without you.

These blogs are all some of the most-read over the past 12 months. It's brilliant to see that they're on such a broad and fascinating variety of topics. Here's to many more!

finding work

Unsurprisingly, getting a job is one of the biggest concerns of our users, which explains why Paul Weston's two blogs on finding employment were both at the very top of the chart of most popular blogs.

How to find work as a music leader by Paul Weston

Creating the next step by Paul Weston

professional development

One you've found work as a music leader (perhaps you found a role on the Youth Music Network jobs board?) the blogs are a great place to turn to in order to improve your skills and confidence.

Make music leading work for you by Gail Dudson

Too nervous to network? by Jacqui Haigh


The Youth Music Network is the place to come to apply for Youth Music funding, and we were very pleased to distribute £10million of grants last year. As a charity, Youth Music is constantly fundraising so that we're able to support even more projects. But it's also to nice to see that many of our bloggers receive money from other sources. Simon Glenister wrote this interesting blog about how he's chosen a different financial route:

Social enterprise and alternatives to grant funding by Simon Glenister

Planning and promotion

Obviously the Youth Music Network users are brilliant musicians and great with kids: that's why you became music leaders in the first place! But there are other aspects of the job - like planning, evaluation and marketing - where some of you might not feel so confident. It's been great that people have been sharing their advice about these aspects on the site.

Involving young people in project planning by Nikki-Kate Heyes

A beginner's guide to sharing content online by Rebeka Haigh  

Hot topics in music education

It was fascinating to see certain topics come up time and time again. Here are some of the big issues our users got to grips with in 2012:

Music Technology

Exploring using games technology to make music by Simon Glenister

A rough guide to assistive music technology by Nick Wilsdon

Working with Under-5s

Top early years tips by a whole host of Youth Music Network members

Working with families: music-making in the early years by Kate Maines-Beasley

Supporting children facing difficulties

Music leading with challenging circumstances by Eleanor Ward

A boy like Tom by Darren Poyzer

Exploring genre

Urban music genres within music education by Jim Pinchen


Music mentoring by Mike Richardson  

Thank you for a great first year

If your blog isn't picked as one of the top ones here, don't worry. We've had hundreds posted over the past year and these are just the tip of the iceberg. Have a browse through the archive and see what takes your fancy! Thanks again to everyone who's used the Network over the last 12 months, whether that's by writing, commenting, posting jobs and events, sharing content or simply reading. We look forward to seeing what you all do next.

And you want to see the Youth Music staff team embarrassedly presenting a cake to a website? Of course you do.