by Author Chelsey Everatt

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Rock music changes lives in North Lincolnshire

Rock Academy in Scunthorpe has seen a number of examples of how being involved with a music project can be life changing, not only as a musician but health, well-being, attitudes and behaviour. Read Callum's story to find out the impact the group has had on his life...

Callum, aged 13, was having therapy for anxiety, depression and speech therapy, when he joined Rock Academy. He was going through diagnosis with Doctors, who explored the possibility that he may be Bipolar. Added to this, a breakdown in family life meant he ended up leaving mainstream education, with one to one tuition at home replacing school.

“Callum was very shy when he joined us, he was unable to make eye contact, stuttered, could not interact with the other students and found it difficult to understand instructions and especially humour but did (in my opinion) have natural ability on the guitar. He refused to sing or be involved with music he did not care for and found it hard to cope with other students who were not as advanced as himself” Dave Foulds, Rock Academy practitioner.

His passion for the guitar motivated Callum to continue attending the sessions, with his musical and technical skills improving at a fast rate, helping his confidence in turn.

“Callum is a different person now, he sings lead vocal (something he said he would never do) he has made friends which he now meets socially, he appears to be confident and is able to deliver and understand humour, he writes his own songs and joins in on other peoples choices of music, he helps other students with guitar playing or arrangements. Callum is the most reliable and enthusiastic student in the group and has had 100% attendance.” Dave Foulds

Callum, now aged 18, is studying music at the local college and is continually developing his practice. He is now a member of Rock Academy who can help other young people develop their skills. Callum is no longer having any treatment or therapy of any kind and is a committed member of the Rock Academy group.

“When I joined, my life was going nowhere. Rock School has given me aspirations. It’s helped me mix with people, as a band you have to join in and do lots of work socially. This was a big thing for me at first. I remember the first time I went on stage, I was so nervous; I just looked at my guitar and not at the front. We’ve done so many gigs now, I’m happy to go on stage. I now do recording all the time at home, I didn’t even know how to restring a guitar when I started! I know chords, music theory, and write quite a lot of my own songs. Over the years, I’ve come more out of my shell, and actually alright at singing! It’s helped me, over the years I’ve had issues, I wouldn’t be at college if it wasn’t for Rock School. I never thought I’d be this happy, I smile a lot now, especially on stage. Now I want to go to Uni, to take music, there’s nothing else I can do!” Callum, Participant