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Soundbeam training and experience

Training in use of Soundbeam for use on JamTent Project

Music Links purchased Soundbeam equipment for the purpose of enabling participants in the project to have access to assistive music technology that would provide another method of participation in Jam sessions and a way to make music making inclusive to individuals who may have lacked formal music training or had disabilities that may have restricted their ability to join  in. This equipment included Soundbeam, 2 sensors and 2 footswitches. Training was then provided via an online tutorial with Adrian from Soundbeam who went through the set up and use of the equipment and went through several practical applications suitable for use in an environment such as JamTent, where ability to improvise was the main aim. Following the training the equipment was succesfully employed at the festival where we ran several inclusive sessions in which participants could play solos etc in a conducted piece. It is aimed to continually develop experience of working with this resourse to benefit a range of groups and individuals .