by Author Simon Glenister

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Annual review as promised

In an earlier post we looked at why we should produce annual reviews and I set myself up by saying I'd publish ours when it was finished so you could see whether it did what I said it should. Well now you can judge for yourselves. Let us know what you think - does it do it's job of informing without fuss or clutter?

It's been a good year for Noise Solution and we want to share how it's working so here is our review. Our approach of improving confidence through music technology, making people successful quickly at something they value and sharing that success has resulted in a lot of great quotes like the one below.

 "His mother spoke of how far our client has come in the last few months. This was echoed by his mental health consultant. From being very withdrawn and unhappy, and staying at home much of the time, our client has been able to go into school to take GCSE exams, get himself a part-time job, get a media qualification, meet a lot of new people and enjoy social contact. His mum spoke of our client getting back a sense of himself, and of his self-worth. She felt that Noise Solution played a big part in this"

Excerpt from a recent TAC (team around the child) review  

Click on the picture below to download the review as a pdf.

Click on the picture to download the pdf

Take a moment to read some other examples of where our approach has worked by reading our annual review and see what we are successfully achieving with some of the hardest to engage people in the eastern region.