by Author Stammy Cottakis

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Young Apprentice Tenor Scheme at City of London Choir

Young tenor bursaries available from October 2014 for 16-19 year olds.

The Young Apprentice Tenor Scheme offers top choral training for its young tenors, in the friendly atmosphere of the youthful City of London Choir 

Full participation in concerts and workshops; nine vocal lessons per year; and music and travel covered.

Tenors aged 16-19 years recruited from London State School Sixth Form or Gap Year students.

Rehearsals Mondays 6.30-8.45pm in the Bridewell Hall 

Concerts at Barbican Arts Centre, Royal Albert Hall, Royal Festival Hall, St John’s Smith Square, St Martin-in-the-Fields, St Paul's Cathedral etc.

Certificates and references appropriate for CV issued.

Contact Stammy Cottakis 07880 777119 or

Reference from recent graduate of the Scheme:

My time at the CLC as an Apprentice Tenor has been an experience I will always cherish. From Handel's Messiah to John Gardner's Stabat Mater, the range of the CLC's repertoire has introduced me to music that I never thought I would ever perform. I would highly recommend joining the YATS scheme at the CLC as the warm-hearted atmosphere together with the individual attention will significantly progress one's singing capabilities.                                                                                    Nick May, June 2014