by Author SELFA

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SELFA Sounds Evaluation

We've had some fantastic feedback from our families who took part in our SELFA Sounds Project:

"Thank you, SELFA Sounds has really helped my son, he can try new activities and meet up with friends."

"Through SELFA Sounds I have meet new families who have become friends, I have also met new families who have needed help desperately and I have been able to provide it, and steer them in the right direction educationally and often medically. Also we have all provided each other with support and understanding during our darkest moments. Play dates have been arranged which is important for our children and our children have become less isolated. School holidays were a nightmare for me but now I know there are activities available for my son and people to mix with who are in the same situation. I feel less isolated and more able to cope. The opportunities and experiences which SELFA Sounds has provided for my son have been wonderful, and will only help him to further flourish and gain confidence as he moves into his teenage years. Top marks and a huge thank you"