by Author Brighter Sound

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For the next four weeks on Brighter Sound’s Instagram Stories, some of our Sing City musicians will be setting you, the public, some fun music challenges to do from home.

Throughout August there will be a new challenge each week, going live every Monday morning. You’ll then have all of that week to work on and upload your responses using the hashtag #SingCitySummerChallenge. Make sure to tag @brightersound so we can share all of the wonderful stuff you create!

It’d be amazing if you could share this opportunity with any young people who might be interested in taking part.

The first, which went live Mon 10 Aug, challenges you to create a one minute track without hearing it! Head over to our Instagram to hear drummer Matt introduce it, and keep an eye on our Instagram Stories where we’ll be sharing all the responses over the week.

So give us a follow @brightersound and join in the #SingCitySummerChallenge!