by Author Drake Music

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UK Disability History Month

John Kelly performs, sitting in front of his microphone and laptop with his adapted Kellycaster guitar round his neck on a rainbow strap

This month is UK Disability History Month and this year the theme is MUSIC!

Drake Music were delighted to be part of the launch at Portcullis House, which saw fantastic presentations from politicians, academics and performers. John Kelly performed the protest song we commissioned for our We All Make Music event earlier this year - We Don't Fit In A Box - playing live on the Kellycaster, the bespoke accessible guitar designed and built bby John and our DMLab team.

To celebrate UKDHM we are sharing guest posts on our blog from some of the disabled musicians we work with, sharing insights into their creative processes. We asked the question "How does being disabled influence your creative process... indeed, does it?" And we are sharing the interesting range of responses we're getting back. 

This month provides an opportunity for music teachers and leaders to share the stories and songs of disabled musicians with their classes, to showcase role models and inspire the next generation of young musicians to think about music in a more open, inventive and diverse way.

If you're stuck for inspiration on which disabled musicians to celebrate then you can download resources from the UKDHM website, and you can also find a wealth of emerging and established talent on the Showcase on our website and Youtube channel.

Why not also take this opportunity to go and see some live performances by talented disabled artists and musicians? Or use it as a prompt to build your own library of music by disabled artists? This is a fantastic way to link your work in inclusion into a campaign with a national platform.

You've got til 22nd December to make the most of this fantastic opporutnity to celebrate the work being made by disabled musicians across the country... enjoy discovering new work and broadening musical horizons!