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Youth Music – Shining Stars Radio Station broadcast/podcast Project, Hive

18 young people are interested in attending the Radio broadcast/podcast project;  to date we have had 3 taster sessions and one full day; young people will work in small groups thoughout the project. Sessions have included: Discussion around Roles and Content e.g. Researchers (News - local & current affairs, Sport), Performers (Presenter/DJ/Muscians/Singers) Interviewers (climate change, experiences of 'Looked after Children', question & answer session with a Local Councillor or Celebrity); Fun Slots - (Top Video Games, 2 Truths/1 Lie, What's My Age, Yes/No game); Special items (gardening tips, the benefits of sleep, conspiracy theory); learning about different music genres this could be incorporated in a type of 'Desert Island Disc' slot where interviewees can be asked to choose a significant tune or song. Early days yet, young people are spending time learning how to use the equipment e.g. identifying where jack cables fit, using mics, decks and computer programme; setting up and using the recording equipment; loading sound effects; learning chords & beats to be used in Jingles and creating an audio track. 

The next step is Planning: scheduling time at the beginning and end of the session for setting up and clearing away; identifying interviewees; preparing questions for interviews; producing a Track Sheet for the computer programme (list of everything needed):

Patience and Perseverance is required, when young people struggle to focus one of the peer supporters are helping by spending 1:1 time with the young person.