by Author Wild-Earth

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Blackbird - visual for soundtrack


Creating the soundtrack

During lockdown, young people took part in structured sessions delivered online to connect them with their local green spaces. Using the nature awareness techniques that were usually taught in outdoor settings, this was shared online and young people took part in bite size awareness sessions. Once they found a their chosen spot, they were able to track the changes using sound recorgings, on a weekly basis that depcited changes in the season and change in behaviour in the natural world around them. One significant aspect was the behaviour of the blackbirds. They were very vocal with their birdsong and general behaviour  during Spring and Summer. 

Using the recorded sounds and vidoes of blackbirds, young people were asked to think of beats that they interpreted frrom the blackbird songs. Each young person shared their beats and rythmic patterns and were guided to replicate it on instruments and objects. These included, a violin, keyboard, didgeridoo, vase, percussion, stones and vocals. Six young people and 3 members of staff were involved in the co-production.

"It was very interesting to see how a piece of music can be made from collecting different sound bytes from a birdsong. It is fascinating! We were all able to contribute in the music making." - Participant.