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I need funding

Our Funds

Catalyser Fund 
Grants of between £30,001 and £300,000 for established organisations that support children and young people to make, learn and earn in music.
Click here for more information on the Catalyser Fund.

  • Want to talk to Youth Music about your Catalyser Fund Expression of Interest?
    • If you are new to Youth Music, you can book a 15- minute zoom call with a member of the Grants and Learning team. Click here to book a slot through Calendly.
    • If you currently have a grant with Youth Music or a grant that has finished recently, then please contact your Grants & Learning Officer directly to discuss submitting an expression of interest.    

Trailblazer Fund 
Grants of  between £2,000 to £30,000 for organisations that support children and young people facing barriers to make, learn and earn in music. 
Click here for more information on the Trailblazer Fund

NextGen Fund
The Youth Music NextGen Fund offers young creatives (aged 18 - 25, or 18 - 30 if they identify as Disabled) grants of up to £2,500 to make their ideas happen. We’ve launched the NextGen Fund to help emerging musicians and behind the scenes creatives take a step forward in participating and changing the music industries.
Click here for more information on the NextGen Fund.


Energiser Fund
Grants of up to £120k for organisations experienced working with early years children. The Energiser Fund aims to celebrate and energise creative practice with 2-4-year-olds. Centring children’s voices, views and lived experience, the fund will explore co-design and participation in creative projects for early years.
Click here for more information about the Energiser Fund.


Funding deadlines

All deadlines are 5pm. 

Trailblazer Fund  

Trailblazer Round 7
Deadline: 30 August 2024
Notification: 13 December 2024
For projects starting between: January and March 2025

Trailblazer Round 8
Deadline: 22 November 2024
Notification: 21 March 2025
For projects starting between: April and June 2025

Catalyser Fund 

The Catalyser Fund consists of two stages. If your Expression of Interest is successful you will be invited to complete a full application.

Catalyser Fund Round 4
Expression of Interest Deadline:
10 May 2024
Notification: 28 June 2024
Full Application Deadline: 09 August 2024 
Notification: 08 November 2024
For programmes starting between: December 2024 and February 2025 


NextGen Fund

NextGen Fund Round 9
Deadline: 28 June 2024
Notification: September 2024

NextGen Fund Round 10
Deadline: 15 November 2024
Notification: February 2025


Energiser Fund 

The Energiser Fund consists of two stages. If your application is successful you will be invited through to interview.

Application Deadline: 05 April 2024
Notification: 17 May 2024
Interviews: May/June 2024
Notification: 12 July 2024
All Energiser Fund grants will run 01 September 2024 - 01 September 2027  

All deadlines are 5pm. 

Where to apply

We recommend you read the applicant guidance document for the fund you want to apply to before starting your application. Once you've planned your application and read our guidance you can then apply via Youth Music's online grants portal.

You will need to register on the grants portal - please note that this is a separate site from the Youth Music Network.

Access Fund - Support making an application

If you identify as Disabled and need further support to make an application to Youth Music, you can apply to our Access Fund. This provides funding to cover any additional access costs that might be required for you to make an application to one of Youth Music’s main grant funds. You should apply for this fund before you start making your application.

Click here for more information on the Access Fund.

Help to choose

Which fund is for you? 

We have some tools to help you understand the differences between our funds, including our newest funds, and help you decide which fund is for you. Visit which Youth Music Fund should I apply to?

Here are some Trailblazer Fund project examples.

Here are some Catalyser Fund programme examples

Here are some Energiser Fund programme examples

Our Funding Priorities

Visit our Funding Priorities page to read regularly updated information about our funding priorities.