Bristol Music Trust

Music is changing
We believe that music is everyone's right. We believe that music should reflect the whole of society and that, in order to do this, it needs to continuously evolve. This evolution is only possible if we remove the barriers currently preventing many people from a meaningful musical life…because evolution and diversity are mutually inclusive.
What is it?
The National Centre for Inclusive Excellence (NCIE) is a national initiative, established by Bristol Music Trust, which aims to transform the music industry and education sectors by removing barriers to participation at all levels. To do this, the NCIE brings together partners from the music industry, higher education, local and national government, and creative and cultural organisations to connect the dots between music education and the music industry.
There are many barriers which prevent talented young musicians from fulfilling their potential. These barriers may be physical, attitudinal, or a symptom of inflexible institutions and plain old-fashioned-ness. Through the NCIE, Bristol Music Trust and its partners are directly supporting creative, talented young people to develop the artistic and professional skills needed to enter the music industry or higher education. The work will provide support at multiple levels, with clear routes through from initial experiences as a participant in the classroom, to performing on stage, to teaching the next generation of artists. The aim is to break the cycle of underrepresentation and exclusion by raising the bar, both in terms of the level of opportunity for disabled people, and also in terms of the confidence the music industry has in its ability to represent the whole of the UK.
Who is it for?
The NCIE supports young musicians, facilitates the careers of music education practitioners and acts as a critical friend to music education hubs, HE institutions and the music industry. The NCIE believes that those who face the greatest barriers need the greatest support. So we are focussing our efforts on supporting those who are currently least represented in the music industry.
How can I get involved?
Do you know a young person who could benefit from one of our programmes? Are you an organisation who would like to work with the NCIE? Are you a music or education professional who’d like to find out more about the NCIE?
You can get in touch with the team, either through the website, by emailing, or by calling us on 0117 204 7140.