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Calming Music for Babies in Hospital

Baby R was crying as we entered her bay on the Heart Surgery ward at Leeds Children's Hospital. R’s parents explained that she had had a tough morning involving an invasive procedure and she had been restless ever since.

As we started playing Twinkle Twinkle, Little Star, she began to settle and her oxygen saturation levels improved - they had been as low as 53 but increased into the high 70s, hitting 80 at times. Mum was watching the monitor as if she couldn’t believe her eyes.

We were encouraged to stay with the family for a long time, playing music that matched R’s energy and eventually, she was lulled to sleep. Her family were overjoyed and commented on what a huge difference the music had made.

When we went back into the space a little later, she was still asleep and they told us that her sats had stayed high since we had left. Other families with babies on the same bay also appreciated the change in atmosphere that the music had provided.