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Case Study: Music on the Oncology Ward

Brightside Music CIC have just finished the first block of our new project of music-making at Leeds Children’s Hospital and it has been filled with special moments. We thought you would be interested to hear about one of them.

As we walked down the corridor on an oncology ward, we saw an older boy (around 13) and two female relatives sitting on the sofa, all looking like they wanted some quiet time away from their busy bay. We asked the boy if he wanted us to play for them and initially he said no, but then said he wanted to hear the violin. Aisling played a brief solo tune and the boy closed his eyes and rested his head on mum's shoulder - a picture of relaxation. Afterwards, he requested the clarinet so we played together and the family enjoyed the music together, some crying, some taking the time to relax and all sharing the moving experience. We spoke to them afterwards and it turned out that the young man often listens to music on headphones when in hospital as a means of escape, and as a family they enjoy listening to music on the radio. We went into their bay to visit the other families there and they followed a few minutes later to listen some more. Mum told us, "you really cheered him up", and again, the teenager relaxed in his chair, closing his eyes as the atmosphere in the bay was transformed by the music.