Develop an inclusive music tutor job description
We’re looking for music service heads of service and inclusion leads to work together to develop an inclusive job description for instrumental tutors on Tues 18 May and Tues 25 May, 6-7.30pm.
This is to build on work started by members of the National Music Services Working Group on Inclusion.
You’ll take part in two short, focused, twilight sessions, where we’ll share experiences and expertise, successes and pitfalls. You’ll need to attend both sessions.
On 18th May we will work up ideas for essentials for inclusive instrumental teaching, (draft job descriptions, adverts and placement of adverts) which participants will take away for consultation.
One 25th May we will review feedback, and co-create an exemplar job description which will be shared publicly.
Places are limited to one per organisation, with a limit of 12 participants overall.
Read more and/or sign up here.