EXPRESS is the title of a mega-cool CD, released early December on our in-house record label, Musication. The CD features work by nine of the young musicians who have been part of our SELF EXPRESSION project. All lyrics and a good proportion of the music has been written and composed by the young people involved. Oh and every one of them has a learning disability, and is either at a special school, or was at one when they were younger.
SELF EXPRESSION is the name for our Youth-Funded project which is just coming to an end - it entailed lots of one-to-one work supporting musicians in their lyrical and musical expression, and in addition to the bespoke sessions, also included a wonderful summer school (video attached with this article). We also released an EP by one of the artists, Jonny the Wolf, previously blogged about on this network.
There is much to enjoy about the EXPRESS CD, the variety of genres from grime to film sound-scape, the energy, the unique voice coming through, and the huge joy! And it is a very professional product, a glossy front cover (designed by one of our young people), bright red disk, production by our in-house producer who is a successful rapper and composer in his own right, and state-of-the art printing to ensure top professional quality as befits a CD on our label. In short, something the young people can be proud of when reflecting back on their year of working with us!
CDS can be purchased from our website at