February Half-Term Holiday project with LACS
A few weeks ago during February half-term hols here in Northampton, we ran a 3-day songwriting project with a group a looked-after-children as part of our new Fund B project, "Industrious".
15 young people attended between the ages of around 11 to 16... and together with NMPAT's Musical Inclusion Team, they came up with a brilliant set of five tracks. The young people contributed to writing the lyrics, composing melodies and harmonies, along with all the various task required for the recordings and production.
It was a jammed packed three days... with only just enough time really to get all the recordings done! (We only had one recording rig this year and could probably do with having two in future!).
Following the project: one of the participants is now looking to attend our Ferrers Saturday Morning Centre; we are looking to arrange some Dj-ing/Music Production classes for another two; a further two (funded through their care home) have elected to have regular after-school guitar and vocal lessons. A great outcome all round!
We were also really pleased to be working together with Children First Northamptonshire, the new body within the Northamptonshire County Council supporting children in care, who were able to bring some match funding to the table which really helped supplement our Youth Music funding and scale up the scope of what we were able to offer.