by Author Samantha Knight

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Free CPD: Rap for Language and Literacy

Event description

Rap for Language and Literacy: Fostering Cross-Curricular Development

Online CPD for teachers and educators

Musinc is running an interactive workshop as part of Culture Bridge North East’s ‘Imagine If Digital Conference Series 2021’. This session will showcase how the genre of rap can be used as a tool within any subject, for supporting your pupils’ language and literacy skills. Using lyric writing techniques within rap, young people can feel brave and empowered to express themselves through creating their own verse and rhyme.

The session explores how rap uses complex vocabulary and grammatical functions, whilst also exploring how the performance of rap can support memory, presentation skills and builds confidence in communication. This session will help you to facilitate this within the classroom setting, and within any topic or subject. The session is aimed at non-musical specialists and will exploring techniques that can be applied across age-groups and key-stages.

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