Global Songs for Early Years
"When are we doing music again?".....A typical response from a reception child after one of our Youth Music funded early morning parent and child workshops.Parents and children from the Early Years have been regularly involved in singing and percussion activities as a result of the project , and we've seen lots of positive outcomes.Parents tell us that after attending the workshops they've been singing songs at home with their kids, and they've used backing tracks to sing along with.The kids have learnt songs from many different cultures;" Now she's speaking some Spanish" one parent told us , speaking of her daughter, after she learnt a Spanish song. The sessions , led by Luke Carver- Goss, have been great fun , with actions to help the children learn the vocabulary, and full participation from Mums, Dads and carers. Catching parents as they drop their kids off has led to a high proportion of parents attending.
The school has a high percentage of EAL learners , and many children with language delay and speech and articulation issues , so the activities have been crucial in promoting listening , attention, and sound and rhythm activities that help the children break down sounds and develop pre reading skills. Luke's skills and enthusiasm have helped raise staff skills , and have enabled more staff to have a go at leading musical activities.