by Author sam dook

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International Songwriter, exchanging creative ideas

International songwriter is a project devised by the Carousel House Band (UK) in collaboration with Resonaari special music school (Finland) Both groups have artists with  learning disabilities / complex support needs and are supported by music facilitators

After sending our four verse ideas to our collaborators in Finland we were excited to receive back their preferred chord progression of ours with an added chorus chord progression that they created. Now the piece was really starting to have some form and feel like a collaboration. They had chosen the Reggae themed piece and had used our figurenotes score as a reference when creating their score. For anyone reading this who isn't aware of figurenotes please follow this link to find out more about the wonderful inclusive music notation sytem and learning aid:

Although very much compatible It was interesting to find that Resonaari uses a slightly different form of figurenotes notation (Resonaari tutors invented the system) to the version you can acquire from based here in the UK. 

The Carousel House Band was really excited to play through the chord progressions and the project was starting to really take shape. Please have a look at the attached doc that shows both the verse and chorus part in Resonaari figurenote format.

In the next blog post we look at how The Carousel House Band developed the piece further