by Author sam dook

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International songwriter, long distance recording

carousel house band members playing drums

International songwriter is a project devised by the Carousel House Band (UK) in collaboration with Resonaari special music school (Finland) Both groups are comprised of artists with learning disabilities / complex support needs and are supported by music facilitators.

We heard back from Resonaari Group that they liked our lyrics, we were all really excited.........The song was finished!

Initially we had intended this long distance project to be an experiment to see if figurenotes could help bridge language barriers between two groups of learning disabled artists from different countries. The collaboration using figurenotes proved to be working out really well. As the song developed we began to feel it would be a real shame not to take the project to the next stage and attempt to make a collaborative recording.

Modern music software and the ability to trade files online means people from the other side of the world can make collaborative recordings together. With huge thanks to Resonaari group we created a recording of our collaboration song, The Summer of Love. All the musical parts were recorded in Brighton / Helsinki and mixed in Brighton.

You can hear it here:

We hope you enjoy it!