Independent Chair, North Yorkshire Music Hub
Job description
You will chair the Hub’s Strategy Board, working alongside the Music Hub lead and partner organisations to ensure the effective delivery of the National Plan for Music Education (NPME) both in and out of school settings.
The Independent Chair will need to have significant experience and expertise in partnership working and strategic thinking, as well as a thorough knowledge and understanding of: the needs and challenges of children and young people, issues affecting Local Authorities and schools, Arts Council England/Department for Education policy relating to Music Education Hubs and the breadth of music providers working in North Yorkshire.
A role description and person specification is attached, for further queries please contact Ian Bangay, Head of Service, North Yorkshire Music Service at
This is a voluntary position.
Commitment: Between 4 and 6 meetings plus preparation per year in North Yorkshire.
Application is by letter and C.V. sent to
Deadline for applications: 10am, Monday 7 March
Interviews: Wednesday 16 March, in North Yorkshire