Music - the inescapable force!
Music is an inescapable force...wherever I go it is there......the sound of the birds singing in the morning, the wind blowing, even the sound of traffic and tooting horns! As I tap the keyboard on my PC right now I'm making music, rhythm, a beat. The sound of running, walking, breathing, talking, children playing in the all creates sound. We can't get away from music! I find this fascinating, and it makes me wonder 'Why'? Why can music and sound be found everywhere, in every nation, tribe, people group, and community?
Music is an inescapable force...wherever I go it is there......the sound of the birds singing in the morning, the wind blowing, even the sound of traffic and tooting horns! As I tap the keyboard on my PC right now I'm making music, rhythm, a beat. The sound of running, walking, breathing, talking, children playing in the all creates sound. We can't get away from music! I find this fascinating, and it makes me wonder 'Why'? Why can music and sound be found everywhere, in every nation, tribe, people group, and community?
Whatever answer you may have for this question, for me it suggests that music has the power to unite, to bring people together, to strengthen relationships and build a sense of community. If music is everywhere, then surely it's power must be harnessed for the good of all those it touches.
Wow! Well, if all of this is getting a bit deep, please hang in there and keep reading. I'm actually scaring myself!
During the month of May 2014, so far I have seen music bring strength and hope to children and their parents in hospital. I have seen music bring joy and a sense of fun to coffee drinking audiences in Southampton and Sheffield. Primary school children have played the Steel Pan Drums and expressed their excitement when playing Coldplay and One Direction pieces! I have attended a funeral and personally experienced the strength and hope that music can give people during such sad times, as the perfect uniting of words and melodies lifts peoples spirits....
And music is find it in every makes people smile, dance, express an emotion or range of emotions, it can help forge memories, dream dreams.....enrich people and so on..
I love quotes, and a quick search on the internet reveals a long list of inspirational quotes about music, this one grabbed my attention today...
“Music is God's gift to man, the only art of Heaven given to earth, the only art of earth we take to Heaven.”