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Cat Myers Master Class

Jack Drum Arts played host to the magnificent Cat Myers, drummer extraordinaire.

Jack Drum Arts played host to the magnificent Cat Myers (, drummer extraordinaire. Cat tours extensively with band ‘Honeyblood’ and ‘Stillhound’, supporting the likes of The Foo Fighters, Tom Jones and Belle and Sebastian.

Cat delivered a day-long masterclass using kit, electronic, djembe, and samba drums with our Youth Music participants. Our base as Church Hill was certainly alive with the sound of music as our young musicians learned new rhythms, styles, and all about life as a full-fledged travelling session and recording musician.

Cat came to us highly recommended… by her Dad! Through regular stories and updates of her whereabouts in the world when on tour, we pieced together a picture of Cat on her travels. Turns out she attended St. Cuthbert’s Primary School, the very building we operate from, and then St. John’s RC Academy, a local school where many of our young musicians pretend to learn. It was a real inspiration to get to know a ‘local girl come good’, highlighting that real talent can come from anyway so aim high! As our programme title suggests, keep it ‘Free Range and Home Grown’. Thanks Cat!