by Author sam dook

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Learning to play an instrument using figurenotes

I interviewed David from the Carousel Singers Band to see how he found the experience of learning to play an instrument using figurenotes

A figurenotes evaluation interview with Sam (CS band producer) and David (CS band Bass player)


Sam: How would you describe figurenotes to someone who had never heard of it?

David: Instead of notes of music you have different colours, which correspond to notes of music


Sam: On a scale of 1-5 (1 being very easy-5 being very hard) how has it been for you understanding and using figure-notes?

David: 2 (easy)


Sam: You have been learning a new instrument; the Bass guitar, how useful has figurenotes been learning a new instrument?

David: If it wasn't for figurenotes I wouldn't know how to play the bass guitar and I wouldn't have picked it up as quickly


Sam: How do you find following a figurenotes score? (nb the band scores currently contains all the instruments parts on one page)

David: How it is now I find it a bit difficult because my mind goes to the other bits, but if it was the bass line on its own then that would be easier.


Sam: Last night at the choir rehearsal we used figurenotes with the choir, how well do think this went?

David: I think it went well, yes. It’s only the first week we have introduced it.


Sam: So you think it went well as an introduction. Do you think we should continue using figurenotes in this way with the choir?

David: Yes


Sam: Were you taught traditional musical notation at any point in your life?

David: Only at school, I couldn't get used to it.


Sam: On a scale of 1-5 (1 being very easy-5 being very hard) how do you find using traditional musical notation?

David: 5 (very hard)


Sam: How have you found following the pitch in figurenotes? (the colours)

David: That’s easy yeah, It’s really helpful


Sam: So you see the colour on the score and find the notes on your Bass guitar?

David: It’s easy, yes


Sam: Can you rate it 1-5 like before

David: Yes, 1 (very easy)


Sam: How have you found following the rhythm in figurenotes, the different note lengths, Can you rate it 1-5?

David: Its a 3, it's been Ok. Not as easy as following the colours though


Sam: We used a simple exercise called a ‘5 note row’ from the figurenotes community webpage. We used this to create a piece of music that ended up being part of our piece with the choir. How have you found using these kinds of systems and experiments, has it been an interesting way to compose a piece of music?

David: Yes, because it tells you more about the notes. So you get to learn each note when we practice more.


Sam: Can you think of other ways that we can use figure-notes with the choir?

David: Not right now off the top of my head


Sam: Anything else you would like to add about this project and using figurenotes?

David: It’s good because it’s got me learning more songs and another instrument


Sam: Final question! If you had access to the figure-notes software would you be interested in using that?

David: Yes, i'd be learning more songs!