Start spreading the news...
...about the Youth Music Network! We've got some great free postcards for you to pass on to your friends and colleagues.
In the year since the Youth Music Network was launched, it's become a thriving community. The more people who've joined (over 3,200 at last count), the better it's become.
More users means more ideas are being discussed, more views are being shared, more connections are being made, and more jobs and events are being publicised. It makes the site more interesting and valuable for all our readers.
So, in order to help you spread the word to others working with music and young people, we've produced some handy flyers and postcards. You can download electronic versions here:
If you would like hard-copy postcard versions of these flyers - to use in delegate bags for conferences, to hand out at music education events, to use in staff induction packs etc - drop us an email at Let us know how many you'd like and where to send them (the saxophone flyer is not currently available as a postcard).
Thanks for sharing!