Wired4Music – what do we think about the EBacc proposal?

The Department for Education (DfE) announced back in June their intentions to make the English Baccalaureate (EBacc) compulsory. The EBacc is a qualification which brings together the core academic subjects that the vast majority of young people should study to age 16. This means that all secondary school pupils would have to study subjects listed in five ‘pillars’ of learning: maths, English, languages (ancient or modern), sciences and humanities (defined as history or geography), leaving little room for arts subjects including music.
The Government has now launched an open consultation on plans to make the EBacc a headline measure for schools. In light of this, Wired4Music want to hear from as many people aged 25 and under about whether they think that studying music at school is important and why, so that we can go back to the Government with our findings and share your opinions. We’ve created a short 5 minute survey which we encourage you to complete and share with others, to ensure that our voices are heard and taken into account in this decision which will ultimately affect those of us still in school. We are also keen to hear from those of you who have left school and who are able to shed light on if/how implementing the EBacc would have affected their musical experience at school and their musical experiences since leaving.