by Author Magic Acorns

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Magic Acorns Professional Development

Event description

Do you want to unlock your playfulness?

Do you want to listen more deeply and connect more playfully?

Whether you are an early years educator, an artist, a musician, a theatre maker, or just curious, a Magic Acorns' Professional Development Day will nurture, stretch and nourish your creativity in a way that you can take back into your practice, whatever that may be.

At Magic Acorns we work with artists, educators, parents/carers and 0-3year olds and we have learned about improvisation and play from the experts - the babies and young children.

"Completely amazing and inspirational. Unlike any other training I had done before. Such a holistic and inclusive approach."

We are offering a chance to join a Magic Acorns Professional Development day where together we will explore ways to nurture our own playful listening practices and ways to develop sensitive communicative movement and sound play. This session is suitable for anyone with a creative practice.

"THE most influential workshop I've done in several years."

During this CPD day we will explore listening as a key quality and approach to our work with very young children and families.

Listening with our whole bodies.

Through playful workshop activities and games we will experience deep listening, movement and connection through shared sound-making. We will consider ways to nurture our practice and to develop sensitive musical play with very young children and babies.

Through our explorations in listening, musical interaction and improvisation we will reflect together how we might support creative expression through playful environments and minimising adult-talk.

During the day we will create open-ended sensory musical provocations, and consider the whole environment as a potential musical play space.

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