by Author GoodwinMusic

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MusicLab - Continuing Through Lockdown!

At Goodwin, Lockdowns and tiers haven't slowed us down a bit.

This is no more prevalent than with our Music Lab sessions, which have gone completely online in the wake of the ongoing pandemic. We are offering learners 1 to 1 instrument sessions through zoom, with instrument and equipment lending. We also offer group sessions, which include social interaction, discussing new and interesting music, various Musicology subjects including music's effect on the brain, as well as leading learners to completing an arts awards qualification, guiding them through artist research and musical analysis, and connecting this to their personal playing development. 

We are also continuing our support of learners over the christmas period, continuing to deliver many sessions including Music Lab. For Music Lab, sessions continue mostly as normal, including 1 to 1 tuition, but with a definite focus on social interaction, over what can be a potentially difficult and lonely time of year for some people. 

We aim to develop well rounded musicians who are capable of following a career in whichever avenue of music they wish to explore, or impart transferable skills and knowledge, useful for any work or learning environment.