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My Work Experience - Gurpreet Shetra

My name is Gurpreet. People call me Gurp for short. I am 19 and I love playing drums (I’m self-taught). I have been playing drums for 2 years and I was in a band called Switch for 2 and a half years. In Switch I played drums. My main aim was to keep the beat. I got so many different skills from it. I practised and got better at drumming because I was drumming 2 or more times a week. Also I picked up some good friends, which was helpful. After the band I am now at RNC doing Aspire music. I love the course. Now I am back at MAC doing work experience for a week.


What I have done this week?

I have been doing some editing which I have enjoyed. Also I have been talking to staff about the live music side of things, and that is a good starting point for me and my career.



On Monday I did some editing with Justice. We edited Ann’s interview and we put some music behind it. We also shortened it and edited it.



We attended the Influence Project exhibition with Holly, Jen, Justice and Ryan.

It was useful to see the artists throughout the decades.

Justice filmed us for evidence of our work experience and we went back to the media studio to edit the footage.

Then we interviewed Alex. We found his knowledge very useful.



We wrote blogs on Dan Whitehouse. That went well.

We also looked at being self-employed.



We edited Alex’s interview with Ryan, Alex and Justice.

Alex was taking notes about Logic and Media training.



Ryan interviewed Jimmy whilst I was there. I found this very intriguing and it was very helpful information about his experience in the music industry. Jimmy also gave us a plan for the potential future.



Overall I have found this experience very useful, especially talking to staff at MAC about their experience.