by Author jrabin

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One Voice SEND Songwriting Project

One Voice is a SEND Song Writing project funded by Youth Music and delivered by Bromley Youth Music Trust and Living Song

Bromley Youth Music Trust applied for funding from Youth Muisc after identifying a skills gap in the Special Provisions attached to Bromley Primary Schools. Although some of the Special Provisions have a specialist Music Teacher most of them don’t. The Special Provision staff generally felt unconfident at leading musical activities and were very keen to partner with BYMT to access CPD and Musical events for their children.

Living Song are our partners in the delivery of the CPD and Song Writing aspect of the project. Jane Wheeler and her team of Young Leaders have visited 14 Special Provisions and taught the children and staff ways of becoming confident with their voices through warm up games and songs. They have also co-written songs with each Special Provision on themes as diverse as My Body and The Tempest. Another feature of this project is also the training by Jane of her Young Leaders, Mohan Dhar and Abbi Asante, to become confident SEND workshop leaders in their own right.

Jane also lead a separate CPD specifically to give teachers and TAs ideas for delivering other aspects of the Music Curriculum. In this session the teachers enjoyed creating and performing their own Soundscapes and Rhythm Squares. See Below

At the end of the project we will have created a free Resource Bank of all the songs written during the One Voice project. There will be sheet music with accompanying backing tracks and Makaton videos. These will be available for any SEND or mainstream settings to access.

The last phase of the project is getting the Special Provisions together at Cluster Rehearsals to learn each other’s songs and then at BYMT for a Celebration Event.