by Author Steve J Jinski

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Online Safeguarding

Online Safeguarding

One of the biggest challenges Sage Gateshead has faced in the last few weeks has been to ensure that when working online any sharing of resources, training opportunities, ‘live’ sessions and group or individual delivery is conducted in as safe an environment as possible To this end we have written a completely new Online Safeguarding policy and devised a Power Point audio training presentation.

The policy and the training resource that goes with it have been written with adherence to our Child Protection policy and our Vulnerable Adults policy. Music Leaders delivering working online with children, young people or vulnerable adults must have watched and listened to the presentation and familiarised themselves with the policy. This has to be confirmed in an e-mail to the management team.

We are happy to share the resource with AMIE colleagues. The narrative focuses on Sage Gateshead but it could be useful if you are looking to offer something similar. This is password protected


Follow this link and use the password

The poilcy itself will be published on Sage gateshead's website in the near future. Please get in touch if you would like us to send you a copy or of you have any questions. Contact us at