by Author Leaps and Bounds

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LOUD/ soft!  Fast/ S L O W!

The focus of today’s session was ‘opposites’ - We began with stretching up tall, crouching down small. Then stepping side to side. We practised tiptoeing softly, then stomping loudly. We talked about what ‘opposite’ means and children were able to tell me the opposite to fast... (slow). We then used the actions to sing a song called ‘We’re doing the opposites’.

 We sang three well known nursery rhymes. We tried singing them softly and then loudly, slowly then quickly. We discussed which one sounded better loud and which one sounded better sung softly.

In today’s sound basket we had instruments to shake.  We had fun shaking our instruments high, low, side to side, softly and loudly, quickly and slowly.  Check out The Shaker Song  by Janet Chandon. Some children joined in singing, whilst others were happy to be playing their instruments along with the music.