by Author Music@BYT

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Crossing Cultures session 2

Band assembled!


Week 2 was our first session where we introduced playing music. Like last week we played some ice breaker games in the hall and then we went into the music room and started paying some games to a rhythm. A favourite among the students was the word association game to a beat made by Lee. This was a brilliant game as it really helped with the students concept of keeping a beat. After that we got down to writing some music. After a discussion, we had people from lots of different countries and cultures. We had 2 people from Czech Republic, 4 people from Pakistan, one of whom could speak fluent Spanish and Italian and 2 British kids one of whom was fluent in French.  I got to teach someone how to play the bass whilst Lee introduced writing lyrics. Lee talked about memories and what could influence our writing styles. After finding a piano player I got on the drums and eventually we had a full band together. One of the students came up with the name ‘Black Roses’