Musical Trees Are Growing in South East Northumberland
As part of the project evaluation process all schools within the project have created trees focusing learning taking place.
Music Partnership North are using many methods of evaluating the three year brass project taking place in South East Northumberland. Alongside footprint evaluations, health and well being studies and video footage students are also creating trees, some of which are very musical in their appearance!.
These focus on areas such as social, health and well being and musical ability. Students add leaves of differing colours depending on the topic and then some schools have added birds to indicate what they are going to take away with them following the project. One school has also created acorns which sit along the bottom of the tree, one acorn for each child.
One leaf from a child with ASD said "I love playing my cornet. It makes me feel peaceful. Music really helps me because it lets me know I can be successful in something."
The creativity and enthusiasm of the children is inspiring and they are collecting more evidence for their Arts Award.
Well done children and staff.