Small Steps Big Noise Creativity in the Early Years
The South West’s biggest Early Years Expressive Arts Conference, bringing together EY practitioners, artists, music leaders, settings, regional hubs, funders, researchers and strategic partners.
Do you work in the South West with the expressive arts and the Early Years, as an artist, educator, setting or funder?
Small Steps: Big Noise is a one-day conference showcasing creativity in practice for 0-5s across the South West, including prominent keynote speakers and vibrant debate led by EY experts, engaging practical workshops and a live show from a professional Early Years theatre company.
The conference has also been set up by Take Art, as a melting pot for best practice and idea sharing, where you can meet and network with key people from your region and get tips and advice on growing your practice.
Key Note Speaker: Dr Susan Young
Dr Young has recently retired as senior lecturer from Exeter University and is now honorary research fellow with Roehampton University. She is chair of MERYC-England and continues to be involved in early childhood music as a researcher and consultant.