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Ways into Improvisation in Participatory Music Projects - practice-sharing resource

On 29 January 2016, Music Leaders working in the North Yorkshire area came together to share practice around the theme of 'improvisation in participatory music projects'. As an outcome from the session, NYMAZ has produced a resource in order to share some of the discussions from the day more widely.

The attached resource has been written to share some of the discussions, challenges, advice and ideas that came about during the session. Music leaders were prompted with four questions:

1) Describe your own practice, or a particular example, relating to improvisation in music activities with children/young people/adults;

2) Challenges encountered, and suggested solutions;

3) Progression - how do you further develop improvisatory skills?;

4) Share some useful workshop techniques, games, resources...

We hope other music leaders might find the resource useful for their own work, or that it might spark further discussion around improvisation in participatory music projects. Comments welcome!

The session was delivered through the NYMAZ Music Partner Network, which is funded by the National Foundation for Youth Music.